Student Critics: Wynnie Gibson, Eishra Ashura, Cole Carney, Carson Decker, Raisa Howarth, Pierre Rodrigue, Adam Archie, and Pano Doxakis

On Thursday, February 13, Arlington Career Center students led an investigation to find which water fountain was (objectively) the best. Over the course of a lunch period, these judges assessed each fountain on four important criteria: temperature, lack of metallic flavor, height of the water stream, and the convenience/ease of use. The critics gave each rubric section a grade from one to ten, ten being the best and one being the worst. In total, the team of judges located, sampled, and rated eight water fountains scattered throughout both floors and trailers.
The journey took place over a lunch period and a group of 11 students went off to grade the fountains. They all came together to give a grade for each fountain, having a majority agree on what they thought of the fountain. The group began on the first floor, starting in the Commons and moving to culinary, then to carpentry. Afterwards they went upstairs to science and the purple wings before finishing it off with the two trailers. While some disputes arose, all judges in the party eventually managed to come together and make a chart. There were no eggs present throughout the event.
When the critiques were finished, the evidence was compiled in order to give the most accurate results. In conclusion, critics such as Carson Decker not only “[found] out that water tastes good,” but have objectively decided that the fountain from trailer 1 (located near rooms 501-508) is the best.
Fellow judge Cole Carney finds this water fountain to be his personal favorite,“because of its temperature and taste.”
While this tier list was reviewed by several judges, many of the critics had their own personal opinions. To some water connoisseurs such as Pano Doxakis, he “[thinks] that the results are not right, warm water is better and culinary tasted the best.”
Similarly, fellow critic Raisea Howarth believes that, “[everybody’s] opinions were trash. The chemistry water fountain is the best.”