Fifteen-year-old Simone Carmody, a sophomore at ACC, recently joined the Chronicle to explore writing, journalism, and to try something new. Carmody is an outgoing and funny teen who came to ACC because her family decided it was a good school. Not only is she a social butterfly with a fun and energetic friend group that she has built up over two years, she is a dedicated student with a goal to get into UNC Chapel Hill. She likes hanging out with her friends at the mall and is also a part of the Wakefield track and field team. Carmody says that track and field makes her feel happy and like she is a part of a team, which is why she is so dedicated. She has earned awards in throwing to show for her hard work and dedication. She hopes to either become a detective or do something in fashion as her career.
Carmody is a hardworking student with a variety of passions. She is enrolled in journalism, health science, and photography. Her favorite of these three is journalism because of the freedom and choices she gets to make. Before taking journalism, she was not a fan of reading and writing, until she realized that writing doesn’t have to be black and white. Now she is invested in publishing articles and meeting new people.