Timothy Jones shared many things during our interview about his numerous hobbies including band, but one thing I will never understand is how a household with four children manages to also be a home zoo consisting of one cat, two dogs, two hermit crabs, and two turtles. I just don’t get it. My mom has three kids and a dog and no home zoo and she’s already lost it.
When it comes to Jones’ home zoo, it’s important to get to know its inhabitants. First up is the only cat, Luna, who is a marbled cat that they have had for five and a half years and is very fond of attention. Next up is one of the two dogs, Rain, a German Shepherd-Labrador mix who they have had for four years who is supposedly very fond of people. The second of the two dogs is Coco the Pitbull, who they have had for three months and is very energetic. Fourth, first of the two Hermit crabs: Neptune, who they have had for a year after they acquired him from Virginia Beach, and Poseidon, who they have had for two months. Poseidon must not be much of a character, since when asked, Timothy could not think of anything particularly different about Poseidon other than his painted shell. Sixth on the list is the first of two turtles, a Red Eared slider named Bowser. When asked, Timothy said he forgot Bowser existed. And now the seventh and final of Timothy’s many pets, the second of his two turtles: Yoshi the Box Turtle, who is said to stay buried under his log for long periods of time.