- How does it feel to be a senior in high school?
- Pretty chill
- Favorite moment at ACC?
- That time I got slapped
- Best piece of advice you’ve received?
- “ You only get one life, you gotta treasure it” – Daniel Knorr
- Advice you’d give to underclassmen?
- Ain’t no party like a Diddy party, cause a Diddy Party don’t stop
- A person who supported you the most through high school?
- Dr. Rankin
- Favorite core class you’ve taken and why?
- English 12
- Favorite elective?
- Animal Science
- What is your Capstone experience and how’s it going?
- Smithsonian Air and Space museum tour guide, and it’s going pretty swell
- Any advice on Capstone you’d like to share?
- Get paid
- What grade did you enjoy the most?
- Senior year
- What are you excited about for life after high school?
- Not having to deal with school anymore
- What is your top college choice?
- Averett University
- What field are you planning on going into?
- Aviation
- What is something you can’t live without?
- Marcelo
- Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
- Flying a plane
- Where’s your favorite place to hang out in Arlington?
- Anywhere other than Arlington
- If you could travel anywhere, where would you go?
- New Zealand
- Favorite extracurricular activity
- Take pictures of birds
- A song that you have on repeat?
- Creep by Radiohead
- Favorite movie or TV show?
- The Bang Bang Club
- What is your favorite meal?
- What time do you go to bed on school nights?
- Midnight to 1am
- What motivates you?
- Flying planes
- What is your greatest achievement?
- Being born
24 With ’24: Sean Howder
Lydia Blackwell, Staff Reporter
June 5, 2024
About the Contributor

Lydia Blackwell, Staff Reporter
Lydia is a sports reporter for the Chronicle and a senior at Arlington Tech. In her spare time, she enjoys reading and writing short stories. You can usually finding her walking in the woods or talking about thought experiments.