Arlington Career Center | 816 S. Walter Reed St. | Arlington, VA | 22204

ACC Chronicle

ACC Chronicle

Arlington Career Center | 816 S. Walter Reed St. | Arlington, VA | 22204

ACC Chronicle

School News
Bella Weslow, Staff Reporter • June 12, 2024

On May 16th, 2024, a monumental event occurred for the students and staff of the Arlington Career Center. At 2 pm, students and teachers left...

Latinas Leading Tomorrow at ACC
Clubs & Extras
Latinas Leading Tomorrow at ACC
Lary Renderos, Guest Reporter • June 12, 2024

Let’s zoom into the bustling hive of activity that is ACC (let's throw some props to our extracurricular buffet: from frisbee to D&D, there's...

Op Ed: A Call for Accelerated Learning in APS
Op Ed
Op Ed: A Call for Accelerated Learning in APS
Joseph Sparks, Guest Reporter • June 12, 2024

Dear Arlington Public Schools, As I prepare to begin my education at Princeton University next fall, I often look back and consider the impact...

Op Ed: Let’s Expand Restorative Justice in Virginia
Op Ed
Op Ed: Let’s Expand Restorative Justice in Virginia
Zack Dabrowski, Staff Reporter • June 12, 2024

Dear Barbara A. Favola, In one month, I will have graduated from high school and be ready for the next stage of my life. When I look back...

Acme Pie Company
Community & Beyond
Acme Pie Company
Zack Dabrowski, Staff Reporter • June 12, 2024

Acme Pie Co., located barely a block from the school, is one of the only pie shops within Arlington - and it’s also the best. Walking towards...

Diversity Chat

Diversity Chat hosts a number of students all across different backgrounds to come together and educate themselves and others about diversity in a safe space. This student led initiative collaborates with 

One of the main leaders, Freya Olson, has gone above and beyond to truly challenge other students into engaging with one another with often deep and contemporary topics. These often range from race, ethnicity, gender and sexuality, religion, disability, and more to understand ourselves, each other, and the world around us. 

“It’s important to be able to talk to people with different opinions because it challenges what we know and broadens our horizons. There have been times when I felt certain about my beliefs and it wasn’t till I heard other people express theirs that I realized I was completely wrong. Hearing what other people think improves your understanding of the world.”, explained by Freya Olson 

Members of Diversity Chat. Photo by by Freya Olson.

The club is not just about discussing whatever goes on in the world to impact us. It actively promotes diversity, equity, and inclusion in their school and broader community in APS. Conversations are always open to everyone in every program and grade level, including staff members and teachers. 

Diversity Chat takes place on Tuesdays during all lunches (12:05 – 1:35 pm) at Ms. Monica’s office.