Arlington Career Center | 816 S. Walter Reed St. | Arlington, VA | 22204

ACC Chronicle

ACC Chronicle

Arlington Career Center | 816 S. Walter Reed St. | Arlington, VA | 22204

ACC Chronicle

School News
Bella Weslow, Staff Reporter • June 12, 2024

On May 16th, 2024, a monumental event occurred for the students and staff of the Arlington Career Center. At 2 pm, students and teachers left...

Latinas Leading Tomorrow at ACC
Clubs & Extras
Latinas Leading Tomorrow at ACC
Lary Renderos, Guest Reporter • June 12, 2024

Let’s zoom into the bustling hive of activity that is ACC (let's throw some props to our extracurricular buffet: from frisbee to D&D, there's...

Op Ed: A Call for Accelerated Learning in APS
Op Ed
Op Ed: A Call for Accelerated Learning in APS
Joseph Sparks, Guest Reporter • June 12, 2024

Dear Arlington Public Schools, As I prepare to begin my education at Princeton University next fall, I often look back and consider the impact...

Op Ed: Let’s Expand Restorative Justice in Virginia
Op Ed
Op Ed: Let’s Expand Restorative Justice in Virginia
Zack Dabrowski, Staff Reporter • June 12, 2024

Dear Barbara A. Favola, In one month, I will have graduated from high school and be ready for the next stage of my life. When I look back...

Acme Pie Company
Community & Beyond
Acme Pie Company
Zack Dabrowski, Staff Reporter • June 12, 2024

Acme Pie Co., located barely a block from the school, is one of the only pie shops within Arlington - and it’s also the best. Walking towards...

GSA Pride Club

Amidst a cultural climate that can often be hostile to queer youth, ACC emerges with a new and improved GSA Pride club with the mission of offering support and encouraging conversations on how the school district and others can express acceptance and understanding. The club hosts weekly meetings during Archer’s Period on Wednesdays in Ms. Monica’s room where students participate in 

The club leader and Animal Science teacher, Hanna Brostowitz, created the club to serve as a safe space for students to celebrate their identity and build a sense of community with other LGBTQ+ and allied students. 

“People’s identities are a huge part of who they are and exploring and finding out your identity is crucial during high school. And to have a space that feels safe or where exploring and figuring out who you are is okay is super crucial to not just our sense of who we are, but also our mental health. It’s just the same way as any other facet of identity,” explained Hanna Brostowitz.

Activities included follow: creating LGBTQ+ inclusive valentines for the club fundraising event, making professional development for the staff about pronouns, preparing resources like books and discussion questions for Archers teachers to celebrate National Day of Reading, making friendship bracelets and pronoun pins to create more welcoming and inclusive school environment, starting a book club and library with LGBTQ friendly texts.

Library posters consisting of the GSA Pride flier and promotion for a novel titled ‘Gender Queer’. Photo by Isa Chavez.

The club is currently planning activities outside of school, a field trip undetermined for the meantime as to location, afterschool professional development for teachers, and fundraising with the other clubs during lunchtimes.

Regardless of your sexual orientation or gender identity, the GSA Pride Club keeps its doors open to everyone attending ACC. There are about 20 students who have come to at least one club meeting so far this year at Ms. Monica’s room in 105B. Any questions about the club can be directed to Hanna Brostowitz through their email [email protected]