The Arlington Tech Census is now in its second year, yet no results have been published. In December, this will all change. Be on the lookout for the Arlington Tech Census Report, which will feature the Fall of 2022, the Spring of 2022, and the fall of 2023’s results.
Not only will the results be published, but also the answers to questions such as: What grade thinks they’re the most attractive? What CTE is the most popular among the grades? And even What grade is the proudest to go to Arlington Tech?
As a one-man army, however, I cannot reach all of Arlington Tech, which will lead to skewed results and certain groups not being fully represented. You can help me with this by telling your friends to take the Census so we can achieve our goal of illustrating what Arlington Tech is really about.
Remember, the Census is completely anonymous, and no question is mandatory. It can only be taken once, so answer each question to the best of your ability. The Census, in order to validate the results, needs to be taken on your APS email.
The Census can be found at, or by scanning the QR code.