The quarter is about to end in less than two weeks and people are already starting to see grades from their teachers. You can already see the summative and formative assessments piling on. The end of the quarter is the time when most kids start stressing even more than usual. If you need some advice about school, listen up, because here are three:
- Use an agenda. This might sound basic but you will be grateful when you need to keep track of everything that you need to do. It can help to know when due dates are and how much work you have to do each day. Having an agenda has helped me and so many others manage responsibilities.
- Don’t worry if you fail one quiz or assignment. One grade doesn’t define your whole success–success comes in all shapes and forms. It’s more important to learn what you’ve done wrong.
- Take advantage of the new policy for summative retakes because they’re a big part of grades. I have taken most retakes in math, but remember all of the classes offer chances for improvement. Taking advantage of these opportunities would help you be proud of your grade before Quarter 1 ends.